About Square Chart
Developed by me for personal use in 2005. SquareChart is an interactive horoscope software in the south Indian square chart style. Progressions and transits can be super-imposed on natal chart and can be navigated easily with date movement.
It has been very useful in my study of Astrology, as I could not find any other software that meets my requirements.
It is somewhat ametuerish at the moment, but serves the purpose. It is intended to be a prototype and I hope to develop a professional version in future.
You can download it from here: SquareChart-Nov_5_2022.zip. Unzip the file into any folder. Double click on SquareChart.exe file. It should launch the horoscope software.
Please contact me 9thhouse.org@gmail.com if you face any issues or have suggestions for adding more features.
A sample screenshot of the software: